General requirements

Nearly all master’s programs (exept International Innovation Management, Renewable Energy and E-Mobility - 4 Semester, Simulation and System Design - 4 Semester, Tourism Development Strategies and Unternehmenssteuerrecht) can be started in the winter or summer semester.

The Study and Examinations/International Division checks whether the application documents that have been sent are complete and the formal requirements have been met and sends them on to the Admission Commission of the respective program of study. This then examines the candidate’s suitability for the program and decides on admission. The candidate then receives a written notification per post.


A successfully completed undergraduate degree, usually a bachelor’s degree related to the desired program of study is a prerequisite for admission to a master’s program.

Even if you have not received your final degree certificate by the application deadline, you can still apply for a master’s program with your current transcript of records or proof of ECTS points that you have currently already gained, the preliminary final mark and the expected date of completion. If you receive a study place, you are admitted conditionally.

Access to the degree program might also depend on further requirements that are named in the examination and study regulations of the respective master’s program. Please inform yourself accordingly in good time.

Prüfungs- und Studienordungen


An application for our degree programs is possible via the online application. You can find out which deadline applies to you here.


Winter Semester 2024/25

Master course with admission restrictions   
Your online application must be received between 16 May and 15 July 2024
(preclusive time limit).
Please apply for the Master's programme in Corporate Tax Law directly via the website of HTW Berlin as the cooperating university.

Your online application must be received by the 15 July 2024(preclusive time limit). Participation in the lottery is still possible until 13 September 2024.
Angewandte Data Science und Künstliche Intelligenz

Master courses with free admission
We are looking forward to your online application until 13th September 2024 for:

International Innovation Management
Management von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU)
Medizintechnische Systeme
Renewable Energy and E-Mobility*
Simulation and System Design*
Tourism Development Strategies

* Enrolment for winter semester is only possible for applicants with a 210 ECTS bachelor for the 3-semester option. The next enrolment for applicants with a 180 ECTS bachelor is in summer semester 2025.

Link to Online Application

Deadlines for foreign applicants: Incoming

Up-to-date information on the upcoming summer semester will be published in October.

Application Documents

After your online application in the applicant portal, we require further documents from you as an upload. You can find out exactly what these are here.

Application Documents

Please upload:

  • Enrolment Request (Antrag auf Einschreibung) from the online application portal
  • passport photo for your student ID card 
  • Tabular CV
  • current proof of marks
  • Proof of the total number of ECTS points gained during your undergraduate degree, in accordance with the Study and Examination Regulations
  • Deregistration certificates from all of the universities at which you were previously a student (can be submitted later with your enrolment)
  • Degree certificate and transcript of records for the undergraduate degree, certified copy (if not yet at hand: proof of ECTS points gained, preliminary final mark and expected date of completion)
  • Copy of your national ID card or passport

         Required proofs for certain study programs:

  • Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Medical Technical Systems (only if the bachelor’s degree had an average mark of 2,7 or below):
    a motivation letter in German or English (approx. 500 words)
  • Renewable Energy and E-Mobility (only if the bachelor’s degree had an average mark from 1.9 to 2.3):
    a motivation letter in German or English (approx. 500 words) and, if applicable, further proof of the subject-specific and program-specific qualification
  • International Innovation Management, Renewable Energy and E-Mobility, Simulation and System Design as well as Tourism Development Strategies:
    Proof of proficiency in English (level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages)
  • Health economics, International Innovation Management, Renewable Energy and E-Mobility and Simulation and System Design: relevant module descriptions from the Bachelor's degree to prove programme-specific prerequisites. Please do not send the entire module catalogue!
  • Tourism Development Strategies: Signed declaration of commitment

         Required internships:

  • Management von SMEs, Simulation and System Design 3-Semester as well as Tourism Development Strategies 2- and 3-Semester:
    Proof of a relevant internship that lasted at least 12 weeks or professional experience
  • Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Technical Systems, Renewable Energy and E-Mobility (3 Semester and 4 Semester without Internship):
    Proof of a relevant internship that lasted at least 12 weeks or professional experience (if already completed, if not this must be provided before you register for your master’s thesis)
  • Business Information Systems:
    Proof of a relevant internship that lasted at least 20 weeks or professional experience (if already completed, if not this must be provided before you register for your master’s thesis)
  • International Innovation Management 3-semester program:
    Proof of relevant practical work experience or an internship is at least 21 weeks or 30 ECTS credits

Only if applicable:

  • Certificates of successfully completed vocational qualification (examination and vocational college leaving certificate)
  • Proof of employment (only for dual study programs)
  • Only for NC: proof of child benefit or similar proof of childcare for minors
  • Only for NC and if national service as completed after your undergraduate degree: 
    Certificate of completed national service for military, civilian or voluntary service.
  • Applicants for a second degree (who have already successfully completed a Master's degree): please attach a statement of your reasons